Mysticism and sacred traditions Dogon tribe in West Africa, says that earthly civilization is the result of Earth's peoples contacts with residents of a Plantin located within the Pleiades Sirius, 3000 years BC! Dogon-s, spoke Nian planet visitors. This planet is located near Emme star Gia, in the constellation of Sirius, which has a 50-year orbit period is greater than Sirius B (Po Tolo) and four times lighter than he. Emme star Gia, was discovered a few years ago and was officially renamed as Siruis C. Dogon tribe sacred tradition, was sculpted in their immemorial stamps, which besides the aforementioned allegations, indicate the exact position of the orbit of Sirius and ternary system "Yes Tolo, Emme Gia, Sigi Tolo" in the constellation of Mjellmës Kingdom.
Sirius is far away planet Earth, about 8.57 light years away. Until the decade of 1990, astronomers recognize only Siruis A and Sirius B, which are nano white.
While in 1995 it was discovered and Sirius C. Natives Dogon, Sirius already had excellent connoisseur, here thousands of years and the solar system, as drunk planets orbit around the sun. Also knew that the Saturn, have rings and Jupiter has four moon. Furthermore, in their daily lives, they are guided by four calendar, that of the Sun, Moon, Sirius and Aphrodite / Venus. So spontaneously arises: How was it possible that a primitive African tribe to know with complete precision astronomical data, which were later discovered by modern scientists and their telescopes?
From where they took this information and knowledge? Self Dogon-s claim that such information and data was coming from Laws (strange amphibious beings from Sirius income). Their presence on Earth, according to the Dogon's, had to do with saving the world, presenting them as saviors and spiritual guard. Speaking to detail, they describe and the vehicle of the "bizarre" that brought them to Nommos southeast of their area, which swept in a nearby lake.
Dogon tribe for more than 5000 years, lived secluded from the rest of modern civilization. Dr. Marcel Gkriol, a French anthropologist scientist, was the first researcher who visited them in 1931. In 1946 he went back to Mali, along with his colleague French anthropologist Ntiterlen Germain, who studied and recorded details about the traditions and indigenous mythology. Their report of the 1951's, it was very surprising after all remain open mouth, when they learned that the Dogon-s knew about stars that is not seen with our eyes open. During the decade of 1970, an American linguist and researcher Royal Astronomical Society in London, Robert Temple, made the "scapegoat" eight years to write his famous book "Sirios unknown", asked if the central past, the Earth welcomed visitor intelligent beings from the planet Sirius. While Erich von Nteniken, in his famous "Facts-Autopsy on five continents", as supports Tebal book, saying: "What impressive thing exists in the myths of Mogan. Dreams, religious prejudices, fantazmagori or accurate knowledge, every 50 years Dogon-s, celebrate celebrates their "Sigkoui". Ceremony Sigkoui has as its theme the desire to rejuvenate the world. What sets holiday time Tolo therefore Sigkoui star. " Astronomical knowledge, sacred and ancient mystical Dogon tribe predecessors, resulting accurate and proven every day by the science and modern astronomers, with a single answer Nian planet existence (called today Xylanthia).
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