Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kiss of "sweet sleep" to disappear!

Kiss by which wish "sweet sleep", the symbol of gentleness, sweetness security and privacy is disappearing, as threatened by daily life, by indifference, habit, perhaps even in a crisis (which is becoming the cause of all problemssociety).

The conclusion that kiss "good night", which is often accompanied by a wish for beautiful dreams and sweet sleep, comes from a British study that makes a description of the behavior of couples in the day.

The study was carried out thanks to the survey conducted in Travelodge hotel chain in the UK, in order to study the behavior of the 2000 couples through their habits, especially during the evenings.

From the study it was observed that 8 out of 10 respondents called past history now. kiss before bedtime, while 25% of respondents agreed that endureth not even touch, but goes further statistics where 90% of couples agreed to share not even as an "I love you". While 40% of respondents said the probe sleeps on one side and the back of the partner.

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