Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stress Santa For six full years

Stress, anxiety, panic attacks and other disturbing feelings shorten suffixes of DNA telomeres, which causes cell damage, aging body and vulnerability to disease.
People prone to feelings of anxiety and parehatisë aging earlier than those who are phlegmatic, because negative thinking and worrying acts as a cause of cell damage, showed the study of female hospital Birgham in Boston.
Doctors have analyzed blood samples of more than 5,000 women between the ages of 42 to 69 years, and have compared their mental condition. Have found that women who often feel irrational fear in normal social situations, for example, while on the mess, have shorter telomeres than women without such problems, follow the Daily Mail.
DNA telomeres are endings which are regarded as biological indicators of aging, and become a little shorter after each cell division. Shortened telomeres associated with higher risk of cancer, heart disease creation, seniliteti and premature death.
"Differences in the length of telomeres between people who are prone to panic attacks and are generally greater level of stress have been able to calculate and find the body of people with stress is even six years older than their biological age, "said study author, dr. Olivia Okereke.

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