Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lady Gaga angry with music industry

LadyGagaLadyGagaTwitterPics00UOhZ8evzMl"I just want to lie on the ground and cry. Do not know how difficult it is to publish new album and donate new music. Stupid rules popstari". This Lady Gaga wrote for the thousands of fans on Twitter.

Star of 'Born This Way' is sorry that there are many songs ready for the fans, but there is no possibility to publish and then accuses rules that prohibit singers to send us new discs with songs stores.

Earlier this week, Lady Gagas given by Yoko Ono Peace price in Reykjavik, Iceland, in recognition for its social activities. The singer said he would donate the prize of 50 thousand dollars for the association of AIDS Elton John.

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