Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Billed to the client with € 11,721,000,000,000,000

We heard some phone bills with errors, but nothing so ridiculous as € 11,721,000,000,000,000, a French woman had to pay to close her account of the phone.
Solenne San Jose, from Pessac Bordosë region in the southwest of France, was shocked when he saw how much money should be paid - 11.7 katrilionë euro - saying that "there are so many zero, that is not dot account as they were" .
Bouygues Telecom operators said they first wife can not change tariff crazy, but after a few phone calls it was discovered that she had only 117.21 Euro to pay.
Telecom company put the blame on a "printing error".
It is lucky that she had not to pay EUR 11.7 katrilionë, because turns out to be more than the GDP of the entire world (which is about € 54.3 trillion euros). What a relief!

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