Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Billed to the client with € 11,721,000,000,000,000

We heard some phone bills with errors, but nothing so ridiculous as € 11,721,000,000,000,000, a French woman had to pay to close her account of the phone.
Solenne San Jose, from Pessac Bordosë region in the southwest of France, was shocked when he saw how much money should be paid - 11.7 katrilionë euro - saying that "there are so many zero, that is not dot account as they were" .
Bouygues Telecom operators said they first wife can not change tariff crazy, but after a few phone calls it was discovered that she had only 117.21 Euro to pay.
Telecom company put the blame on a "printing error".
It is lucky that she had not to pay EUR 11.7 katrilionë, because turns out to be more than the GDP of the entire world (which is about € 54.3 trillion euros). What a relief!

Birthday of Vladimir Putin: Surprise that all men would like

Russian leader Vladimir Putin before 3 days celebrated its 60th anniversary. A spicy celebrations in honor of its anniversary, worthy of a monarch, is this video that is circulating on the Internet.

Revealed a planet of diamond!

team of astronomers discovered a planet very hot and mainly composed of diamond, two times larger than Earth.

"The surface of this planet is covered by the diamond," said Nikku Madhusudhan, one of the astronomers at Yale University, Connecticut.

"It is a rocky planet with a different chemical composition from that of the Earth," said astronomer.

This rocky planet has a radius twice larger than that of Earth, or 12 747 miles. Located about 40 light years away from Earth (one light year is equal to 9 461 billion kilometers)

Curiosity brings other amazing photos of Mars

If you have ever dreamed of how it is an alien planet, Dive in the following picture to find out how the surface of Mars.

Incredible pictures were brought from Curosity robot, Mars recently.

Photos have been collected and brought in the form of a picture by some obsessed with space probe and its mission.

What is more surprising is that Curiosity has actually brought pictures of a cliff, like some stones that are found on our planet.

Rock is named for an engineering, which was taken with the probe, but it died after it landed on Mars.

Jake Matijevic stone seems to have rich magma composition and water when it has begun to harden.

There is a giant eye on the shores of Florida's (photo)

In Florida's shores, the United States of America, found an eye. Somebody has taken it. Who is not known.

Eye has a huge dimension, somewhere between a tennis ball and a ball handball.

A passerby found the eye and sent it to the police.

While the eye is sent to the Institute for fish and wildlife. There he is frozen, so that scientists conduct research.

An abstract painting sold for $ 34.2 million

An abstract painting of German painter Gerhard Richter has set a new record for the price paid at auction for a living artist work.

Pictures "Abstraktes Bild (809-4)", was sold for 34.2 million dollars at Sotheby's auction house in London.

Sales broke the previous record set in 2010, for the painting "Flag" Jasper Jons, which Christie's auction house in New

Another challenge Baumgartner, aimed at laying the highest parachute

Extreme disciplines Austrian Felix Baumgartner is making another attempt to perform parachute jumping higher, and also the fastest in history.

Strong winds last week forced Felix Baumgartnerin to cancel his efforts in the southwestern U.S. state New Mexico.

But meteorologists say the weather conditions suggest that he can be thrown out of the stratosphere balloons.

His goal is to cast out balloons at an altitude of 37 km above the earth.

If we succeed, Baumgartner 43 years, will be the first to challenge the speed of sound, or move faster than the speed of sound.

Baumgartner will wear a protective suit pressure.

Record jumps from a height is the vitti 1960, Air Force Colonel Joe kitting, which fell by 31 kilometers.